
Download Membership Form : Click here
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Membership of the Association shall be open to all persons holding a degree in Pharmacy. Member can opt any zonal Chapters if required. There shall be three classes of members.

1. Life member : Any person holding a degree in Pharmacy can become a life member of the Association
2. Ordinary : Any person holding a degree in Pharmacy can become an ordinary member of the Association.
3. Student members : Any person who is studying for the final year in the degree course in Pharmacy in any of the recognized college of university in Kerala, can Become a student member of the Association.

*Amended  as per the resolution in the A.G.M. on 16-5-99


Those who are interested in becoming have to give an application along with the Required admission fee. He/She will become a member after only approval of him/her application by the executive committee


Entrance Fees :
The entrance (admission) fee payable with the application for membership of the Association shall as given below as may be decided by the executive committee from time to time.

1. Life members : Rs. 50/-
2. Ordinary members : Rs. 50/-
3. Student members : Rs. 50/-

Annual Subscription :
The Annual subscription of membership of the association shall be as given below or as may be decided by the committee from time to time.

1. Life members : Rs.2000 per membership
2. Ordinary members :Rs. 200 per annum
3. Student members : Rs.100 per annum

Note:- All subscriptions are payable for a whole year in advance in the first month of each calendar Year. No entrance (admission) or subscription fee or part there of once paid shall be refundable on Termination or suspension of membership.


Members shall have such respective right of attending meeting of the Association and their respective zonal meet.

*Amended as per the resolution in the A.G.M. on 16-5-1999

*Amended as per the resolution in the A.G.M. on 26-5-2002


Intimation to resign should be notified in writing under the signature of the member to the president or in his absence to the vice president or secretary..

If it seems to the association that the performance of a member is harmful to the interest, and objective of the Association, the Association may issue a notice to the concerned member to show cause why his name should not be removed from the register and if the explanation so submitted does not satisfy the executive, his/her name can be removed from the register and he/she will cease to be member from that date.

Death will create automatic cancellation of membership.

If he/she fails to remit the subscription fee within one year of the expiration of membership.


Full admission fee and one third of the income collected from members as annual subscription fee and life membership fee shall be remitted to the state committee. Zonal chapters and state committee can raise their funds by means of grants from government or other societies, loans from any source income from fund mobilization programmes like film show, dance, drama, ganamela and other cultural and artistic programmes. Association and its chapters can also create funds though various publications like journals, souvenir and by conducting exhibitions. 25% of the profit of any fund raising programmes of zonal chapters shall be remitted to the state committee.

The Association and its Zonal chapters shall maintain separate books of accounts in respect of activities of business nature like film show, drama, dance, ganamela, publications like journals, souvenir etc.

The donations made to the association shall not be used for the purpose of activities of business nature.

The association shall issue to the persons making the donations certificate to effect that it maintains separate book of accounts in respect of such business nature like cultural and publications like journal, souvenir etc.


The general body of the association shall consist of all the members of its three Zonal Chapters .However the student members shall have not voting right in the proceedings of the general body meeting.

The general body meeting of the association and its Zonal Chapters will be held at least once in every year.

The financial year of the association and its zonal chapters will be from 1st day of April to 31st day of March every year.

The annual meeting of the zonal chapters will be held before 30th April and the annual general meeting of the association will be held before 31 st May of every financial year.